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Search by GI Value and Food Categories

Categories  Glycemic Index(less than or equal to)

Foods with Glycemic index less than or equal to 55 are considered low GI.


Low Glycemic Index Chart

Legumes and Nuts
Pinto beans, boiled in salted water14150254
Acorns (Quercus emoryi), stewed with venison1610061
Lentils, red, dried, boiled18150183
Beans, dried, boiled, type NS20150306
Lentils, red, dried, boiled21150184
Peas, dried, boiled2215092
Lentils, green, dried, boiled22150184
Kidney beans23150256
Kidney beans, dried, boiled23150256
Brown beans2450 (dry)256
Snack Foods
Acacia aneura (mulga seed) roasted, wet ground to paste850171
Castanospermum austral (blackbean seed), sliced, soaked 1 wk, pounded and baked85091
Rajmah, Phaseolus vulgaris19150306
White boiled rice, grilled beefburger, cheese and butter224405011
Majadra (Syrian, lentils and rice)242504110
Dairy and egg Products
Milk, fullfat24250 mL123
Milk, Fullfat + 20 g wheat bran25250 mL123

Top Use:    Low Glycemic Index Chart - Category:All in Categories GI<=55

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